GraphQL Integration
Pathom provides a collection of utilities to integrate with GraphQL.
Raw components
One simple usage you can get from pathom is the ability to translate EQL queries into GraphQL queries. To do so you can use the function query→graphql.
(pg/query->graphql [:foo]) ; => query { foo }
can take an options argument to configure some settings:
: a function that will take a keyword prop and return the name string to be used in the GraphQL side -
: a function that will convert an ident in a selector + params
If you want to process the query yourself, using query→graphql
is a nice way to express the GraphQL
queries without having to using strings in Clojure.
Idents in GraphQL
In GraphQL, when you want to load some entity, the path usually goes from some root accessor that determines which type of entity is gonna be returned, plus a parameter (usually some id) to specifify the entry. For example, to load some user you might write a query like:
query {
user(id: 42) {
You can write it similar in EQL as:
[{(:user {:id 42})
When you need to load multiple things at once, GraphQL provides an aliasing feature:
query {
first: user(id: 42) {
second: user(id: 424) {
To generate that kind of query with EQL you can use special parameters:
[{(:user {::pg/alias "first" :id 42})
{(:user {::pg/alias "second" :id 424})
The parameter will be removed from the list, and the alias will be created. If you don’t like the syntax, since this is just Clojure data we can make some helper around:
(defn aliased [alias key]
(eql/update-property-param key assoc ::pg/alias alias))
[{(aliased "first" '(:user {:id 42}))
{(aliased "second" '(:user {:id 424}))
Not that much different, but you can be more creative and design your favorite API for it.
So far we just used the params to express an entity request, but in EQL we also have another way to express identity, via idents.
If you are not familiar with the ident concept, you can imagine it as a way to point to some specific entity, an ident is takes the form of a vector with two elements, the first element will determine the "identity type", which is always a keyword, and on the second element you have the "identity value", which can be any EDN value.
Some applied example of EQL idents:
Datomic to use as lookup refs to quickly find some node data from some unique attribute.
Fulcro uses it to automatic normalization.
Pathom uses it as a way to provide initial data context.
The ident concept doesn’t exist in GraphQL, but still can we try to translate it.
What Pathom does then is get the most common case, that is a single entry point with a single parameter, and extract that from a qualified ident using the following syntax:
qualified ident means the ident keyword is qualified, example: [:user/id 123] is
qualified because :user/id has a namespace.
[:user/id 42]
; (namespace :user/id) -> gives the graphql entry point
; (name :user/id) -> gives the param name
; 42 -> gives the param value
So the previous ident turns in:
query { _user_id_42: user(id: 42) }
Note that it also created an alias automatically, this way you can write queries using multiple similar idents and they will end up in different names:
[{[:user/id 42] [:name]}
{[:user/id 48] [:name]}]
Turns in:
query {
_user_id_42: user(id: 42) {
_user_id_48: user(id: 48) {
In some cases one param is not enough, there is a supported And
[{[:user/idAndname [42 "foo"]] [:name]}]
But to be honest, that just looks bad, if you need more than one param is better just to don’t use an ident for direct translation, still this can be useful if you need a quick and dirty way to access some multi-param in an ident fashion.
You can customize this ident translation behavior by providing ::pg/ident-transform
the pg/query→graphql
call, here is the code of the default implementation so you can
understand what a translation mean:
(defn ident-transform [[key value]]
(let [fields (if-let [field-part (name key)]
(str/split field-part #"-and-|And") ["id"])
value (if (vector? value) value [value])]
(if-not (= (count fields) (count value))
(throw (ex-info "The number of fields on value needs to match the entries" {:key key :value value})))
{::selector (-> (namespace key) (str/split #"\.") last)
::params (zipmap fields value)}))
Pathom GraphQL + Connect integration handles idents in a different way than describe in the previous section, to understand how the connect ident integration is done check this section. |