
A reader is a function which processes a single entry from the query. For example, given the following query: [:name :age]. In this example, the parser calls the reader twice; first for :name and then :age.

In the case of joins, the parser calls the reader only once for the join entry but not for its children (not automatically, at least). For example: given the query [:name :age {:parent [:name :gender]}]. The reader function calls the reader three times now, one for :name, one for :age and one for :parent.

When reading :parent, the reader code is responsible for checking that it has a child query and do a recursive call (or anything required to process this entry).

During this documentation, we are going to see many ways to implement those readers.

Readers can be a 1-arity function, maps, or vectors. See Map dispatcher and Vector dispacher for more information on those, respectively.

Here is a formal Clojure Spec definition for a pathom reader:

(s/def ::reader-map (s/map-of keyword? ::reader))
(s/def ::reader-seq (s/coll-of ::reader :kind vector?))
(s/def ::reader-fn (s/fspec :args (s/cat :env ::env)
                            :ret any?))

(s/def ::reader
  (s/or :fn ::reader-fn
        :map ::reader-map
        :list ::reader-seq))

Functions as Readers

These are quite simply functions which receives the env and resolve the read. More than one reader can exist in a chain and the special return value ::p/continue allows a reader to indicate that it cannot resolve the given property (to continue processing the chain). Returning any value (including nil) you’ve resolved the property to that value.

(ns pathom-docs.fn-dispatch
  (:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))

(defn read-value [{:keys [ast]}]
  (let [key (get ast :dispatch-key)]
    (case key
      :name "Saul"
      :family "Goodman"
      ; good pratice: return ::p/continue when your reader is unable
      ; to handle the request

(def parser (p/parser {::p/plugins [(p/env-plugin {::p/reader read-value})]}))

(parser {} [:name :family])
; => {:name "Saul" :family "Goodman"}

Maps as Readers

A map reader is helpful when you need to dispatch over pre-defined keys. Here is how we can rewrite our previous example using a map reader.

(ns pathom-docs.reader-map-dispatch
  (:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))

(def user-reader
  {:name   (fn [_] "Saul")
   :family (fn [_] "Goodman")})

(def parser (p/parser {::p/plugins [(p/env-plugin {::p/reader user-reader})]}))

(parser {} [:name :family])
; => {:name "Saul" :family "Goodman"}
The map reader returns ::p/continue when the entry key is not present on the map. This behavior enables the composition by delegating unknown keys to the next reader.

Reader composition

Using a vector for a reader is how you define a chain of readers. This allows you to define readers which serve a particular purpose. For example, some library author might want to supply readers to compose into your parser or you might have different modules of database-specific readers which you’d like to keep separate.

When pathom tries to resolve a given attribute (like :person/name) in some context (say against the "Sam" entity), it starts at the beginning of the reader chain. The first reader is asked to resolve the attribute, if the reader can handle the value, then it returns and no other readers get called. If it instead returns the special value ::p/continue, it is a signal that it can’t handle it and in this case, it calls the next reader in the chain.

If no reader in the chain returns a value (all readers return ::p/continue), then ::p/not-found will be returned.

(ns pathom-docs.reader-vector-dispatch
  (:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))

; a map dispatcher for the :name key
(def name-reader
  {:name   (fn [_] "Saul")})

; a map dispatcher for the :family key
(def family-reader
  {:family (fn [_] "Goodman")})

(def composed-reader

(def parser (p/parser {::p/plugins [(p/env-plugin {::p/reader composed-reader})]}))

(parser {} [:name :family :other])
; => {:name "Saul", :family "Goodman", :other :com.wsscode.pathom.core/not-found}