Pathom allows a parser to have a collection of plugins that modify its behavior. Plugins is a top-level option when creating the parser, and the value is a vector of plugins:
(def parser (p/parser {::p/plugins [...]}))
Built-in plugins
Pathom provides some common usage plugins:
Plugin Skeleton
In this section we’ll be using a few plugins to make our lives easier.
Plugins set code that wraps some of pathom operations, a plugin is a map where you bind
keys from event names to functions. They work on wrap
fashion, kind like ring
Here is what a plugin looks like:
(ns pathom-docs.plugin-example
(:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))
(def my-plugin
; the ::p/wrap-parser entry point wraps the entire parser,
; this means it wraps the operation that runs once on each
; query that runs with the parser
(fn [parser]
; here you can initialize stuff that runs only once per
; parser, like a durable cache across requests
(fn [env tx]
; here you could initialize per-request items, things
; that needs to be set up once per query as we do on
; request cache, or the error atom to accumulate errors
; in this case, we are doing nothing, just calling the
; previous parser, a pass-through wrapper if you may
(parser env tx)))
; this wraps the read function, meaning it will run once for
; each recursive parser call that happens during your query
(fn [reader]
(fn [env]
; here you can wrap the parse read, in pathom we use this
; on the error handler to do the try/catch per node, also
; the profiler use this point to calculate the time spent
; on a given node
; this is also a good point to inject custom read keys if
; you need to, the profile plugin, for example, can capture
; the key ::p.profile/profile and export the current profile
; information
(reader env)))
;; during the connect processing, while the wrap-read will work around
;; the entire attribute, this wraps each individual resolver call (excluding cache hits)
(fn [resolve]
(fn [env input]
(resolve env input)))
; mutation wrappers require a slightly different pattern
; as the actual mutation comes on an ':action' key
(fn [mutate]
(fn [env k params]
; inject custom mutation keys, etc here
(let [out (mutate env k params)]
(cond-> out
(:action out)
(update :action
(fn [action]
(fn []
The plugin engine replaces the old process-reader
in a much more powerful way. If you want to check a real example look for the source for the built-in plugins, they are quite small and yet powerful tools (grep for -plugin
on the repository to find all of them).
Example: Shard switch
For a more practical example, let’s say we are routing in a micro-service architecture
and our parser needs to be shard-aware. Let’s write a plugin that anytime it sees a :shard
param on a query; and it will update the :shard
attribute on the environment and send
it down, providing that shard information for any node downstream.
(ns pathom-docs.plugin-shard
(:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))
; a reader that just flows, until it reaches a leaf
(defn flow-reader [{:keys [query] :as env}]
(if query
(p/join env)
(def shard-reader
; Clojure neat tricks, let's just fetch the shard
; from the environment when :current-shard is asked
{:current-shard :shard})
(def shard-plugin
(fn [reader]
(fn [env]
; try to get a new shard from the query params
(let [new-shard (get-in env [:ast :params :shard])]
(reader (cond-> env new-shard (assoc :shard new-shard))))))})
(def parser
(p/parser {::p/plugins [(p/env-plugin {::p/reader [shard-reader flow-reader]})
; use our shard plugin
(parser {:shard "global"}
'[:a :b :current-shard
{(:go-s1 {:shard "s1"})
; notice it flows down
[:x :current-shard {:y [:current-shard]}]}
{(:go-s2 {:shard "s2"})
; we can override at any point
{(:now-s3 {:shard "s3"})
; =>
; {:a :leaf
; :b :leaf
; :current-shard "global"
; :go-s1 {:x :leaf :current-shard "s1" :y {:current-shard "s1"}}
; :c :leaf
; :go-s2 {:current-shard "s2" :now-s3 {:current-shard "s3"}}}